// Numerical Analysis WorkSheet Bisection Approximation
// Bisection approximation for solving a single variable
// equation. This applet applies the Bisection Method to find>
// a root x of an equation of the form f(x)=0, for a given
// function f. The inputs to the applet are the function f(x),
// interval endpoints [a,b], tolerance e > 0, and the number
// of iterations. Subclass of Numerical Worksheet.
<< Bisection.java >>
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Dana M. Proctor
// Version 2.8 5/11/2005
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
// 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
// program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Seebr the GNU General Public
// License for more details. You should have received a copy
// of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// (http://opensource.org)
// Revision History
// Changes to the code should be documented here and reflected
// in the present version number. Author information should
// also be included with the original copyright author.
// Version 1.0 Original Stand Alone Applet.
1.1 Additional Error Checking of Input Data.
1.2 Sub-Division into Numerical WorkSheet.
1.3 Addition of Code to Save Output List Data.
1.4 Additional Error Checking of Input Data
and Elimination of Clearing the TextField
Upon Errors.
// 1.5 Intermediate Output.
// 1.6 Package Creation/Inclusion.
1.7 Minor Change check_data to getCheck_Data.
1.8 mainBisection Class Method b=null Finished.
1.9 Creation of Two Constructor Methods.
2.0 Creation of Class Method getBisection_Root.
2.1 GPL Inclusion & Basic JavaDoc Information.
2.2 getFunctionValue Changed to NA_Utils Class.
// 2.3 Algorithm Source Documentation.
// 2.4 Format Intermediate Output Data.
// 2.5 Fix for Invalid Decimal Place in Tolerance
2.6 Output Data Column Spacing via the Format Menu.
// 2.7 Fraction Input Implementation for Doubles.
2.8 Correction of NA_Utils.convertFractionString.
package net.danap.numericalworksheet;
* The Bisection root approximation method implementation class.
* @author Dana M. Proctor
* @version 2.8 5/11/2005
class Bisection
// Creation of the class and instance field data types needed
// to perform the Bisection Algorithm.
private static double bisectionRoot;
private static boolean externalRoot=false;
private int n, colWidth, decimalPlaces;
private double endPointA, endPointB, tolerance;
// Bisection constructor used during normal access by the
// Worksheet User. Default constructor object creation only
// allowed by the class method:
<< mainBisection() >>
private Bisection()
// Bisection constructor that will allowed an outside class
// access to the bisection approximation. Constructor new
// object creation must be accessed through:
// << getBisection_Root() >>
private Bisection(double A, double B)
endPointA = A;
endPointB = B;
tolerance = 0.0000001;
n = 100;
// Instance method for checking user's input and returning a
// error response to the output List in the Numerical
// Worksheet if the data is incorrect.
private boolean getCheck_Data()
// Instance Method Local Variables.
String pass_string;
String error_string1 = ("Input data format incorrect.");
String error_string2 = ("Endpoint A needs to be less than Endpoint B.");
String error_string3a = ("The input interval, [A,B], endpoints evaluate in the function with");
String error_string3b = ("the same sign. Try smaller or alternate interval.");
String error_string4 = ("The number of interations needs to larger than zero.");
// Obtaining Input Data from Appropriate Panel
if (!externalRoot)
pass_string = BisectionPanel.getData("endPointA");
if (pass_string.indexOf('/') != -1)
pass_string =
endPointA = (Double.valueOf(pass_string)).doubleValue();
pass_string = BisectionPanel.getData("endPointB");
if (pass_string.indexOf('/') != -1)
pass_string = NA_Utils.convertFractionString(pass_string);
endPointB = (Double.valueOf(pass_string)).doubleValue();
pass_string = BisectionPanel.getData("tolerance");
if (pass_string.indexOf('/') != -1)
pass_string = NA_Utils.convertFractionString(pass_string);
tolerance = (Double.valueOf(pass_string)).doubleValue();
// Determining the formatting of the output data with
// dependence on tolerance. Allow for at least SSXXXX.d
int pos = pass_string.index(".");
decimalPlaces = pos == -1 ? 0: pass_string.substring(pos).length();
colWidth =
decimalPlaces + OutputPanel.getOutputColumnSpacing();
pass_string =
n = Integer.parseInt(pass_string);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
return false;
// Checking Endpoint A Less Than Endpoint B.
if (endPointA >= endPointB)
return false;
// Checking f(A) and f(B) Opposite Sign.
if (NA_Utils.getFunctionValue(endPointA)*
NA_Utils.getFunctionValue(endPointB) > 0)
return false;
// Checking Iterations Larger than Zero.
if (n <= 0)
return false;
return true;
// Processing the input data with the Bisection Algorithm
// to find the root. Also outputs values in the process
// to the List output in the Numerical Worksheet.
private void process_data()
// Instance Method Local Variables.
double p, fa, fp, fx;
boolean intermediateData = false;
boolean iterationsExceeded = true;
String error_string5 = ("Iterations completed without finding root within Tolerance.");
// Determining and Setting Intermediate Data Identification.
if (!externalRoot)
intermediateData = BisectionPanel.getStateCheckbox();
if (intermediateData)
// Providing some heaser information about the
// intermediate data.
colWidthSpace = "";
for (int i=1; i<(colWidth-2); i++)
colWidthSpace = colWidthSpace + " ";
OutputPanel.setOutputDataln(" n" + colWidthSpace + "A" +
colWidthSpace + "B" +
colWidthSpace + "x" +
colWidthSpace + "f(x)");
// Actual Algorithm for Bisection.
// Numerical Analsis 6th Edition
// By Richard L. Burden & J. Douglas Faires
// 1997, Algorithm 2.1
int i = 1;
fa = NA_Utils.getFunctionValue(endPointA);
while (i <= n)
p = endPointA + (endPointB-endPointA)/2;
fp = NA_Utils.getFunctionValue(p);
// Test for Termination fp!=0?
//if ((Math.abs(p - fp) < tolerance) |
//(Math.abs(fp) < tolerance))
// Original Algorithm Termination
if ((fp == 0) || ((endPointB - endPointA)/2 < tolerance))
bisectionRoot = p;
if (intermediateData & !externalRoot)
OutputPanel.setOutputDataln(NA_Utils.format(i, 4, 0) +
NA_Utils.format(endPointA, colWidth, decimalPlaces) +
NA_Utils.format(endPointB, colWidth, decimalPlaces) +
NA_Utils.format(p, colWidth, decimalPlaces) +
NA_Utils.format(fp, colWidth, decimalPlaces));
if (!externalRoot)
OutputPanel.setOutputDataln(" Root = "+p);
i = n;
iterationsExceeded = false;
else if (intermediateData & !externalRoot)
OutputPanel.setOutputDataln(NA_Utils.format(i, 4, 0) +
NA_Utils.format(endPointA, colWidth, decimalPlaces) +
NA_Utils.format(endPointB, colWidth, decimalPlaces) +
NA_Utils.format(p, colWidth, decimalPlaces) +
NA_Utils.format(fp, colWidth, decimalPlaces));
if (fa * fp > 0)
endPointA = p;
fa = fp;
endPointB = p;
// Outputting Error if Iterations Completed Without
// Finding a Root.
if (iterationsExceeded & !externalRoot)
// Misc. Format for Intermediate Data Output.
if (intermediateData & !externalRoot)
// Class method for an outside class to call in order to
// obtain the root of the input equation at a specific
// point using the Bisection algorithmn.
* A public class for the implementation of a the bisection
* polynomial root approximation given input values of
* type double.
* @param A Endpoint approximation less than root.
* @param B Endpoint approximation larger than root.
* @return Root
public static double getBisection_Root(double A, double B)
// Non-Standard Bisection WorkSheet Panel
// Root Approximation.
externalRoot = true;
// Calling the Constructor for External
// Root Approximation.
Bisection b1 = new Bisection(A, B);
// Return State of Bisection Class Field
// and Root that was Found.
externalRoot = false;
return bisectionRoot;
// Creation of the main Bisection class method to be called
// from the Numerical Worksheet when this method is selected
// and the execute approximation button is pressed.
protected static void mainBisection()
int ID = 0;
Bisection b = new Bisection();
if (b.getCheck_Data())
b = null;