
Copyright 1999-2008
by Dana Proctor

What is NA_WorkSheet?

    Na_WorkSheet is a collective aggregation of algorithms coded in Java that
implements various Numerical Analysis solutions/techniques. The worksheet is
generally aimed at educators and students that would like to demonstrate or
analyze various Numerical Analysis methods. The software attempts to provide
a combined execution of algorithms and intermediate data that can be reviewed
and compared.


Beta New Features:

Production New Features:


Installation Notes:

    The NA_WorkSheet can be run as either an applet embedded in a web page
or as a stand alone application. The NA_WorkSheet run as an applet will have
limitations on data import because of security limitations imposed on such Java
runtimes. To get started unzip the release files to your local hard drive.


       1. Copy the included html document "Numerical_WorkSheet.html" to the web
           server directory location desired.
       2. Create the directory structure "/net/danap/numericalworksheet/" within the
           html serving directory from above.
       3. Copy the NumericalWorkSheet.jar file from the release to the /net/danap/
           numericalworksheet/ directory.
       4. Use your browser, IE, Mozilla, to view the Numerical_WorkSheet.html
           document location URL.


       1. Change to the directory where the file NumericalWorkSheet.jar was unzipped
           in a command prompt window.
       2. At the command prompt type "java -jar NA_WorkSheet.jar". All aspects of
           the NA_WorkSheet are functional as an application.
       3. A shortcut may be created in the normal way for your platform with the above
           command line and work path associated with the installation directory.

Copyright Notice:

This program is licensed under the GNU GPL.

Credits (in chronological order):

Dana Proctor - Project Manager
Dr. Oliver Chen - Adviser
David Wanqian Liu - Developer
Alexander Anderson - Developer
Jim Shapiro - Developer
Javier Tegedro - Developer
Pablo Rodriguez - Developer
Daniel Young - Developer

Special thanks to:

L.S. Proctor who provided support and mental clarity.

Version History:

(For a complete list of changes, please see

Production (2006-12-07):

Beta (2005-5-27):

Alpha (2004-12-17):