About the lindyFrame Application Framework


     The lindyFrame architecture is the result of many years of experience in creating desktop applications. Over the years each new Java project brought specific goals for the tool, but it seemed the initial building block framework always started out with the same core components. Over time each project iteration provided refinements too the core building blocks that would become the aspects of the lindyFrame framework. With the final inclusion of a resource control mechanism and a plugin module environment lindyFrame was born.


     In 1999 an open source project was created for a math class that was oriented toward a goal of more easily graphing and comparing numerical algorithm results. That tool today still runs on numerous platforms both old and new. The Java virtual machine though slow by comparison to compiled binaries still adequately addresses the needs of most user's applications. That being more so today with the modern computer's hardware in terms of CPU speed, memory, and storage capacity.

A model is being followed currently that throws undue burdens in the development of tools for meeting societies goals. That model being an all encompassing web browser server processing service. In so doing standards and browsers are being coerced into performing functions that they were never intended to do. A Java desktop application framework like lindyFrame with the ability to socket to network resources, access databases, and swap out modules can serve an organization's needs adequately in most cases.


     The lindyFrame application development source files are no longer hosted with Github since Microsoft's aquisition. They are hosted in a private Git repository and may be requested if desired.